
I first reached out to Maureen last year, as I was suffering badly from anxiety at the time and found myself being prone to panic attacks. To be honest I was feeling rather desperate and wanted to find anything that might help me cope better.She suggested that SFH could help with this issue and so we agreed to try a series of sessions.

I’m happy to say that Maureen was always a pleasure to work with through these sessions.Her approach is always calm, friendly, warm and non-judgemental, and she makes you feel at ease from the start. She is always patient and gives you all the time you need to think about your responses to her questions, whilst also delivering lots of fascinating insight into how our brains work, and how we can change our thinking patterns. As our sessions went on I could see demonstrable progress and became steadily more aware of how my brain can “trick” me into repeating the same negative thought patterns.

Becoming aware of this and learning about how you can change it has been really valuable in helping me manage my anxiety and not let it dominate my daily life as it has before.

I have experienced anxiety since being a child and after the birth of my second child I decided to try hypnotherapy.

Since our sessions I have felt much calmer and able to cope with life’s stresses. My outlook has become much more positive and I feel like I’m present and in control of my daily life rather than being swept along.
Thank you Maureen, you have helped me so much.

Hypnotherapy with Maureen has been so helpful. The sessions allowed me to shift my focus and gravitate towards how I want things to be, rather than becoming stuck in worrying about how I feared things would be.


My sessions with Maureen were full of facts, helping me to understand that patterns that I have formed and that through this knowledge that I have the power to reprogram the way I responded to these situations. The trance element was a loving space, a time when I was gentle with myself and felt loved.

‍Before joining Maureen on my SFH journey I had been going through a challenging time, projecting a lot of what didn't go to plan inward; blaming myself and a constant feeling of overwhelm.

The SFH journey with Maureen has had such a positive impact on my life and how I handle situations. I am finding my response to situations is more objective and the times that I am unable to manage this I am a lot kinder to myself and recognise that I won't always get it right. I am a lot calmer, not running on nervous energy, and ultimately I have found a peace and happiness with myself that I have not had previously. I am so pleased I gave SFH a go, it was at times challenging but I have reaped the rewards.
